When Sylvester the talking kitty cat refuses to admit his role in Gibbyson’s missing, Steve has to explain to the mother that her son is nowhere to be found.

The cat’s mother (Random Kitty) doesn’t take the news well. A black lab is also used as a location device. Sylvester doesn’t care. By SteveCash83. Flaggle Claggle.

[Steve]: Kitty, kitty, guess what it’s time for?

Wet food?

[Steve]: Uh, dry food


[Steve]: Sylvester, don’t you remember what we talked about last week?


[Steve]: You’re not getting wet food until we find Gibbyson, we talked about this! Y-You said you didn’t even have a problem with it!

I did?

[Steve]: So what, now you’re just gonna mope around on the couch and be mad at me, Sylvester?

You could have avoided this whole situation by just telling me where Gibbyson is!

Fuck off.

[Steve]: Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Do you realize Random Kitty doesn’t even know about this yet!

So yeah, things have been alright lately, except for the fact that Gibbyson is still missing,

Sylvester’s acting like absolutely nothing is wrong,

Random Kitty thinks that her son’s taking a 2 week nap on top of the refrigerator, the only problem is that that’s actually a blanket.

and I have to break the news to Random Kitty that her son is missing.

[Steve]: He’s not on the fridge.


He’s actually missing!



[Steve]: Whew! Well, I told Random Kitty but she did not take it well.


[Steve]: No, It’s not cool Sylvester, she’s freakin’ Miserable!

I don’t care.

[Steve]: Sylvester, are ya- you kidding me, I just had to tell a mother that her son is Missing!

And she is completely panicked right now! So you’re telling me you have no empathy!?


[Steve]: Sylvester, Oh my God, you are a BAD kitty! Seriously, come on! What is wrong with you? I’ma-I’m gonna go check on Random

[Steve]: Hey Random Kitty, I-I- are you- are you okay?

[Steve]: Random, are you having a panic attack, Random? Kitty, calm down!

[Steve]: Oh my God, Sylvester Random Kitty is freaking out!


[Steve]: Like bad!


[Steve]: No, it’s not good Sylvester! Would it hurt your feelings if I told her this whole thing’s your fault?


[Steve]: Alright, fine! Random Kitty!

[Steve]: Kitty, just Relax- hey- I- (sigh) I need you to chill some so we can talk,

[Steve]: Kitty, hey, I don’t want you to end up Catatonic, listen. We’re gonna find your son!

Maybe I should have just not, told her, but no, no! She needs to know the truth!

[Steve]: Okay, so I know we’re all frustrated about Gibbyson missing at least two of us are but

Random Kitty come here you’re going to want to hear this, I have reason to suspect that

Sylvester is actually the reason behind your son’s missing so we’re– No Violence! I have a plan, kitties. It’s going to be okay.

[Steve]: Aren’t you at least a little curious about the plan-

What is that?

[Steve]: (CHUCKLES) Shelby girl!

The dog?

[Steve]: Yeah! she’s going to sniff out Gibbyson!

Good luck!

[Steve]: Thanks! I hope we find him!

You won’t.

[Steve]: Aww, whatever. Alright Shelby Girl, are you ready? Let’s go find Gibbyson!

Come on girl, let’s go!



[Steve]: Just follow your nose, Shelby girl. I’ll go where ever you– Oh, you wanna go over here? okay, alright come on.

[Sylvester]: Dear Diary, Augtober 2.0

My stupid slave left with the stupid dog to locate an equally stupid cat.

I honestly hope they all get lost in the forest and die forever,

[Sylvester]: The En– Wait!

Who’s going to feed me and shovel up my tuna truffles?

Edit: I hope my slave comes back alone,

with wet food.

[Steve]: Don’t know about this Shelby girl. are you sure, You sure Gibbyson’s this way?

[Steve]: This seems a little out of the way

Alright, this is kinda creeping me out Shelby girl

I don’t know we’re in the–

Nope, Nope, nah. I give up I’m turning around, come on, come on Shelby girl, let’s go back home!

This is, this is ridiculous, we’re gonna get lost.

26 miles Shelby girl? I swear you weren’t even looking for Gibbyson

I mean look, the sun’s already down, jeez (SIGHS) I hope he shows up

(GASPS) Gibbyso- Gibbyson! is that you!? Kitty, Oh my god!

We’ve been looking for you forever, where have you been kitty?

Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe what why don’t you go inside and get comfortable?

[Steve]: Okay, So yeah that look that looks pretty comfortable this, you look extremely comfortable. I just I’m just I’m so glad you’re home, kitty.

[Steve]: That’s crazy. Gibbyson was just right outside the whole time!

I know.

[Steve]: He was just- wait you knew!?


[Steve]: Sylvester, I followed the dog for 26 miles!


[Steve]: Remember our wet food deal?


[Steve]: Yeah but the deal’s off


(Steve): You’re grounded kitty.


[Steve]: You should’ve told me where he was!


(Steve:) What do you mean ‘kay?

You never told me where he was!


[Steve]: Too late!

[Steve]: Random Kitty, aren’t you glad you’re son’s home?


[Steve]: Me, too. I missed him.

But, you know he stinks a little bit since he’s been outside.

So– Oh.

Nice, you’re such a good mom.

[Steve]: So you say you got the dog trained.

Let’s see what you can do, kitty.


[Steve]: Aw, you can do Better than that!

Can you make her do some tricks or something?


Come on.

[Steve]: Oh, Kitty, kitty! She’s getting up!


[Steve]: Holy Crap!


[Steve]: She listens to you better than she does to me.



Poor Doggy!

Kitty, kitty, That’s Gross!