
title[Cat is cute] I can’t get enough of the cat’s face that softly whispers in my ear ♪

【Be happy with the protected cats around the world! 】

【Make people around the world smile with cats!】

保護猫姉妹のピナとピコ Protective cat sisters Pina and Pico
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はじめまして!2019年の9月に愛知県名古屋市の保護猫の譲渡会で生まれて二か月の姉妹猫に出会いました。その二匹の姉妹猫がピナとピコです! 譲渡会でちょこんと座っていたのが黒猫のピコでした。13年飼っていた先代の飼い猫を亡くし3年ほど悲しみに暮れていた妻が猫を飼いたいと言いだしたので自分は気が乗らなかったのですが妻が立ち直ったなら行こうと思い譲渡会に出かけて会場ですぐピコに二人とも一目ぼれでした。妻が譲渡会の方に、もう一匹飼いたいと願ったので譲渡会会場にはいなかった茶色のピナを連れてきてくれました。とてもガリガリでかわいそうと思いましたが目がクリクリして可愛いかったです。二匹は姉妹とても仲が良いと聞き、妻もこの子で決まりと即答でした。

[Be happy with the protected cats around the world! ]
【Be happy with the protected cats around the world!】

[People around the world can smile with cats! ]
Make people around the world smile with cats!

Protective cat sisters Pina and Pico
Please subscribe to the channel! Please subscribe to the channel!

Nice to meet you! In September 2019, I met a two-month-old sister cat at a rescue cat transfer event in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. The two sister cats are Pina and Piko! It was Piko the black cat who was sitting quietly at the transfer meeting. My wife, who had been in grief for about three years after losing her previous cat of 13 years, said she wanted to get a cat, so I was reluctant, but I thought I would go if my wife recovered. We both fell in love at first sight with Pico right at the venue. Her wife wanted to have another dog at the transfer party, so she brought a brown pina that wasn’t at the transfer party. I felt sorry for her because she was so skinny, but her eyes were so cute. I heard that the two sisters are very close, and her wife immediately answered that this child would be the one.
She will be four years old soon. These rescue cat sisters, Pina and Piko, give me tremendous healing and vitality to live. I decided to distribute the video for those who want to take care of the rescued cat, for those who can’t keep a cat, and for those who want to be healed by daily stress relief. It may be a crappy video, but I would be very happy if people who watched it could laugh and be amused! . Thank you.